Video stories

I created this video for my NewsNetNebraska class in the fall of 2010. When I heard about the exhibit opening, I knew it would be the perfect topic for my video assignment. The movement and antics of the penguins, as well as the wide variety of people visiting the exhibit made for really interesting visuals to be captured. Lesson from this assignment: Children are extremely difficult interview subjects

This video was also made for NewsNetNebraska. It, along with a text story, were packaged for my final project in the class. I had a lot of fun filming the piece and learning more about the restaurant -- I had eaten there once prior to the story and only knew a little bit about Pepe and his business. Because this story was done late in the semester, my only snag while making the video was running out of space on my memory card midway through an interview, which made for a frantic run to Best Buy. But in the end, I was very pleased with the final product.